Students are provided to and fro conveyance by school bus. An application form has to be filled and submitted by those students who intend to use the bus services. The boarding point and other details have to be clearly mentioned in the application form .
The van fees will be charged according to the distance in three instalments. Bus Fees should be remitted by the first week of each term failing which a fine of Rs.10 will be charged daily.
For the general maintenance of discipline in the bus, students should extend full co-operation to the conductor accompanying the students.
Those students without proper uniform will not be allowed to board the bus.
It is the sole responsibility of the parent and the guardian to see that the ward is on time.The bus will not wait for the student.
Students not travelling by the bus or wanting to travel by another bus on a particular day/days have to inform the office in writing.
Any commmunication with regard to conveyance have to be brought to the office and not through the drivers and conductors.
Students should never put out their hands or elbows outside the windows of the bus. Students should avoid singing, shouting, passing remarks to people outside, waving hands to passers - by throwing things out of the bus and speaking out any language other than English.
Students are expected to express their Gurubhakti by giving seat to the teachers travelling in the bus.