KG Graduation

Kinder Bethany International school celebrated Doxa-2024 on 14th March. Fr.John Christopher OIC, Rev.Fr.Bony.K.Alex OIC, Rev.Fr.George Thomas OIC along with Bandset honoured the Chief Guest (Dr.JustinAntony, Rev.Fr.Shaji George OIC, Rev.JohnPaul OIC) with decorated shawls. Our SPL, DSPL welcomed the dignitaries with flowers..
During the reception, Chief Guest inaugurated a new activity room. There we had a dance by our KG Kids. After opening this the Chief Guest and Fathers came along with Bandse tand aaradhi was taken there for the dignitaries at the same time aaradhi song was played. The smart and tiny tots of UKG dressed in graduation robes and caps marched in a row along with Chief Guest Dr.Justin Antony (St.John Paul College of Education, Mulagamodu, Rev.Fr.Shaji Thomas OIC(Pricipal of Mar Ivanios Bethany Vidhyalaya,Kanjiramkulam, Rev.Fr.John Paul OIC (Bursar of Mar IvaniosBethany Vidhyalaya), Rev.Fr.John Christopher OIC., Rev.Fr.George Thomas OIC, Rev.Fr.Bony .K.Alex OIC.
Praising God is the way to bring blessings prayer Song was sung by our KG kids followed by Welcome Dance performed by KG I Kids with traditional dress.
The entire programme was elegantly hosted by our KG I and KG II students.
Jeolin Riya from KG II Diamond welcomed all the dignitaries, invitees, Parents and teachers.
The Presidential address was given by our correspondent.He blessed and congratulated the graduation Students.
Key note address was given by Rev.Fr.Shaji George OIC.He also blessed and congratulated the graduation Students.
Rev.Fr.George Thomas OIC presented the annual report through the video presented by our students..
To invoke God’s blessings on the programmethe dignitaries of the dias, teachers, students lighted the lamp with a melodious song by our students..
During Chief Guest address,He addressed the importance of the relationship between parents and children.Then ,Our Correspondent honoured the Chief Guest with Momento.