An association dedicated to a particular interest or activity.
An organization of people with a common purpose or interest, who meet regularly and take part in shared activities.
There are eight clubs in our school. It was compulsory for every student to join the clubs in school. “Students meet for training at least once a week. These sessions promote unity in the group and impart important values like discipline which remains part of their life even after school.” Most benefits of being a member of a school club may not be realized immediately but later in life. Because club members usually have similar interests, they easily maintain friendship and venture into different things together. Each club has a vision and aim.
1. Language club
2. Maths club
3. Science club
4. Heritage club
5. Health club
6. Nature club
7. Charity club
8. Sports club
There are many good reasons to want to start a club. That is meeting new people, gaining leadership experience, doing an activity etc,..Our school clubs are for the students, of the students and by the students with guidance from teachers and mentors. Each club has its own dedicated objective and provides students with opportunities to identify and nurture their unique talents. There are more skills you can aim to have which are beyond the classroom. It is very important to appreciate the contribution of the skills set a learner can obtain from being part of a club at school. Clubs can offer important life skills that a learner can use for the rest of his or her life. Participating in club activities helps improve communication skills which can be important to your career.
The main objective is to help students to develop their personal skills and leadership qualities. Students become more confident, creative and develop a sense of purpose as they are able to put their ideas into practice. Allow the students to acquire knowledge and self-awareness. Promote a conscious, responsible and independent participation of students to the joint activities. Helps to acquire behaviours entailing acceptance, respect, solidarity with others in the school community and in a multicultural society.
- Our vision is to educate and inspire each child to reach their highest potential and to become a contributing member of society.
- To provide an environment that encourages each child to succeed both academically and socially as a member of their community.
- To provide safe, supportive places where children and youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships, and develop confidence and skills for life….
- All the children and youth discover and achieve their dreams and grow up to be healthy, successful…
Language Club:
Aim: To equip students with the necessary skills for speaking and to perform skits to provide a language rich environment.
Vision: The language club aim to promote the use of English through word games, skit and to provide students with opportunities to use English effectively.
• Who am I?
• Creative writing style
• Tongue twister
• Word express.
• Monoact play
• Memory game
• Story creating
• Debate
• Riddles
Maths Club:
Math is a problem, thinking is the solution
Aim: The aim of this club is to help the students to practice and develop their math skills and build strong foundation through mathematical perspective.
Vision: Stimulate student’s interest and appreciation of mathematics. Raise student’s appreciation of the diversity of mathematics and its application.
Develop and teach mathematical skills and increase student’s enjoyment in learning and using mathematic skills.
• Card and dice games
• Board games
• Puzzles
• Geometric art
• Brain teaser
• Riddles
Science Club:
Aim:The science club aims to promote scientific interest and research in the young minds.
Vision: Research through observation, experimentation and understanding of nature and scientific laws.
To build solid long term relationship between science and surrounding community.
To provide students with the necessary skills, personal connections and self confidence that will help them to promote their research knowledge and discovering the new invention.
• Conducting quiz related to science
• Field trip related to industries and factories
• Planting of trees, plants and taking care of them.
• Making working model as per the wish of the member.
• Conducting science exhibition.
Heritage Club:
Aim: The aim of the club is to inculcate a love for language among students and enhance their literary skills. To inspire young children and encourage them to build a future through an understanding of the past and present.
Vision: Heritage club is dedicated to empower students to become life long learners committed to honesty, equality, respect , integrity, trust , achievement and excellence.
• Education for Learning a craft
• Museum visits
• Conservation at school and at home
• Heritage radio programme
• Children’s programmes at heritage festivals.
Health Club:
Aim: The health club aims to provide a holistic, teaching and learning environment for nurturing a balanced growth. To promote healthy life styles. To nurture the capability to care, to share and to appreciate. To nurture the concern for a healthy environment.
Vision: Utilize health literacy and to take decisions to enhance wellness. Understand mental, emotional, physical, social, environment, and spiritual needs in order to formulate and practice a healthy lifestyle.
• Drawing competition: Healthy foods
• Group discussion: ’Say No to Junk food’
• Speech- Healthy food will make you smile
• Group discussion-The biggest killer today is not war but it is life style related diseases.
• Slogan writing-Theme ‘Healthy life Style’
Nature Club:
Aim: Avoid plastic for healthy life and protect nature.
Vision: Plant Green and make the world Green.
Living in healthy environment is our birthright.
Thus the overall emphasis is on environmental education, research and developing a group of Eco-friendly people.
• To create awareness, motivate and educate students about environment conservation.
• New tree plantation
• Powerpoint presentations on Ecosystem.
• To conduct exhibition on environment.
• Conservation and Development of medicinal plant Garden.
• Nature based Arts and crafts.
• To conduct drawing competitions.
• Environmental cleanliness.
Charity Club:
Charity clubs are clubs that are linked to a specific charity with the goal of raising awareness, working for that charity, or raising money for that charity.
- To be a dynamic organization that inspires positive action and helps to create an environment of love, respect, and cooperation in our society.
- To grant wishes that will give hope to children, youth, and the community.
- To provide the recreational facilities and social welfare conditions of life for those persons in need.
- A world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection development and participation.
• Selling Art books and calculators
• Selling cold drinks
• Doing face painting and balloon activities.
• Fund collection
Sports Club:
Aim:To grow the new generation physically fit and healthy.
Vision: To promote and provide playing opportunities to individuals at all abilities and ages and to enhance the sporting experience of club members.
• Athletics
• Badminton
• Hand ball
• Throw ball
• Football
• Kho-Kho